
My Audio

Chapter 1. Amplifier - ELECTROCOMPANIET


I am not only music fan, but audio phile. So I cannot stop boasting my separate amplifier purchased in 1999. It's a separate amplifier of ELECTROCOMPANIET, Norwegian company, even most of the audio philes do not know. Please see the pictures below:

Control Amplifier EC-4 1/2.

Power Amplifier AW-60FTT

From the left of control amplifier EC-4 1/2, power switch, left speakers volume control, right speakers volume control and balanced/unbalanced line select switch. I have never seen such a simple design of control amplifier. There are no treble and bass controls, and even there are only 2 input lines, one is for balanced and another is for unbalanced. I am not so deep audio phile to use balanced line, so I can only use one unbalanced line. I use this important line for CD player's input. Another cheap amplifier is used for tuner, cassette deck and analogue disk record player, which I do not use usually. The amplifier which has only one input line is not functional. But I would not like my amplifier to have other functions and wiring just to listening music CDs, and it is more important for me that I can take a look at beautiful design of separate amplifier. It is only regret that this control amplifier has gang noise even volume is set to zero.

Design of the power amplifier, AW-60FTT, is beautiful too and its design matches design of EC-4 1/2. They have same black body color with clear glass cover. This cover makes design of the separate amplifier rich.

I can control volume of EC-4 1/2 by using a remote controller, and design of the remote controller is also god design.

Remote Controller



Chapter 2. Compact Disk Player - Nakamichi MB-10


I know CD changers are usually unacceptable for real audio phile. They say additional wiring for changer mechanism cause unexpected noise. I do not care such words, and prefer convenience of CD changer. Up to 5 CDs can be loaded into MB-10 and I can listen 5 CDs in succession. It means that I do not have to stand up from the couch for about 4 hours. Now I cannot live without MB-10.

CD Player MB-10

When I purchased MB-10, I had a concern about frequent mechanical problem, due to CD changers complex mechanism. I have experienced lots of mechanical problem even with my normal CD players and with my Nakamichis car CD changer. Contents of the problem are CD changer does not pick CD up appropriately or it does not load or unload CDs. However, MB-10 has never had any problem fortunately, since I purchased it in 1999.

It is also important for me that the color of MB-10s illumination is orange. It is my favorite color for audio illuminations or instrumental panel illuminations of cars.

I need one function to CD player that CD players sometimes do not have. It is headphones output line and volume control. I would not like to use amplifier for headphone listening. Listening from a CD player is the most direct way. But is this mean that CD player has an amplifier in there?

It is nice that size of the MB-10 is compact compare to very big Japanese CD players made for audio phile.

