The club name "Sans Souci" is the French word which means "without
worry". This is the motto of our club activities.
Sans Souci is one of the keenest orienteering club in Japan, which is centered
at Hiratsuka city - 30 miles west from Yokohama. We currently
have about fourty members with ages ranging from 20's to 60's.
The aim of the club is to provide teams for inter-club competitions, and
to run the events - big or small- to promote the sport of orienteering
in Japan.
The members of Sans Souci are very active to participate in the competitions,
and we won the second place at the Club Championship of Six-Men-Relay-Event
in 1998. The other talents of the club members make it possible
to produce a new map in every other year and to develop the original LAN
based timing system for the club events.
Although the club members are busy for many other activities, we feel
quite at home with the common interest of orienteering in the club.