杉山隆司、Land Rover G4 Challengeの日本代表に!


当然、車は全部ランドローバーの提供で、最新型の Discovery 3 と Range Rover Sports です。
国際選考会で徹底的に乗り込んできましたが、素晴らしい車です。優勝すると Range Rover
Sports(国内で1,400万円くらい)が貰えます。まあ、最年長じゃ 無理でしょうけど、ハハハ。

ランドローバーとしては、Range Roverはアーバン、Disco 3がヘビー・デューティー・オフ・ロード
というコンセプトなので、高速走行での居住性は Range Roverは Lexus並、というか、俺がアメ
リカで乗っていた Lexus LX450よりずっといい。それでいて、実はオフ・ロード性能は Disco3と
全く同じでいて、Disco 3よりハンドリングが遥かに楽。唯一、クリアランスとアッタク・アングルと
トレイル・アングルが Disco 3の方がゆとりがあるので、ラオスやボリビアの道ともいえないよう

それにしても新シリーズから採用されている Terrain Response Systemと、従来からの Hill
Decent Controlを使いこなすと、運転というよりロボットを操縦している感覚に近い。ドロドロの
滑りまくりの斜度35度の急斜面をブレーキ無しで降りる、スリップとグリッ プの感覚なんて、それ
だけでも経験する価値があるし、交互に2輪が完全に浮いてしまうような悪路 をホイホイ進んで
しまうのも、水深1mくらいの泥沼にわざと突っ込んでウィンチで脱出とか も、ドロドロになりながら

それにしても Range Rover Sportsはいいクルマです。あれだけ乗ってしまうと、もうメチャ欲しい
なあ。優勝も全く可能性が無い訳ではないので、とにかく頑張って楽しんでき ます。多分、ウェブ
で実況されるはずです。なにしろ18人の選手を追いかけるのに、数10人の プレスが同行します


杉山隆司さんが、Land Rover G4 Challenge の国内予選、国際選考会を経て、みごとに

応援しましょう。 (尾上記)

International Selections - Day Two

As the pace hots up on day two of the Land Rover G4 Challenge
International Selections one finalist is revelling in the com-
petition - at an age when most people are contemplating a quiet
retirement rather than cold camping and vigorous adventure.

Fifty-year-old Takashi Sugiyama from Japan is the oldest of the
54 hopefuls - most are in their twenties and thirties - fighting
for a place on the Challenge that kicks off in Bangkok on April
23rd. ‘It’s not hard being older,’ he said, as he dried off
after rolling his kayak in the bitterly cold water of Eastnor
Castle lake. ‘You don’t have the speed or power but it's the
experience that really counts and the will-power not to give up.

‘The older you get the more events you’ve tried and the more
chance you have to do well. I’ve done adventure races, orient-
eering, skiing, hang gliding, windsurfing… the whole deck. And
the G4 lets me do many of them in one week. It’s the complete

He believes 2006 could be his best chance of winning a place on
the Challenge. ‘This is my golden opportunity. I’ve been
training with the Japanese orienteering team, who are mostly in
their twenties and thirties, and I’m very fit. It won’t be the
same in two years time.’

If he does find glory in the international trials, Takashi hopes
he will inspire others of the same age to get up and compete.
‘I want to be a role model to other 50-year-olds, even 60-year-
olds,’ he said. ‘I think it’s a bad thing that people get to
these ages and won’t think about doing these things. They’re
nearly all hearty and fit, they should be doing more.

‘Last year I was passed at an orienteering event by a 60-year-
old Norwegian woman. She ran so fast. And I’ve seen 80-year-olds
competing. People shouldn’t give up when they get older.’

The Land Rover G4 Challenge in chilly Herefordshire has already
bought back a few memories for the Japanese student who studied
engineering science at Oxford University around thirty years ago.
‘I used to do orienteering in the Lake District and Scotland.
I love Britain in this cold weather. It’s like coming home!’

International Selections - Day 5 - FINAL RESULTS

Representing their country in the 2006 Land Rover G4 Challenge
is, in country alphabetical order:  

Argentina - Pablo Burattini
Australia - Tom Landon-Smith
Belgium & Luxembourg - Kris Janssens
Brazil - Eleonora Audra
Chile & Costa Rica - Claribett Vega
France - Jean-Baptiste Calais
Germany - Robert Josef Schweiger
Greece - Lambros Argyris
Ireland - Gary Robertson
Italy - Marco Martinuzzi
Japan - Takashi Sugiyama
Netherlands - Thijs Maartense
South Africa - Martin Dreyer
Spain - Gabriel Maldonado
Russia -Dmitry Timokhin
Taiwan - Victor Huang
Turkey - Tolga Senefe
United Kingdom - Brian Reynolds

Congratulations to all the 2006 Land Rover G4 Challenge
competitors, and indeed to all 54 fantastic participants.